A Kindness a Day Appeal from Areyvut

Posted on December 30, 2010

Every day of the year we provide you and hundreds of other people throughout the world a daily way to incorporate kindness into your life, connect to Judaism and make the world a better place. I hope that you have enjoyed the A Kindness a Day and am asking you to include Areyvut in your year-end charitable giving.

I invite you to see the message we sent out earlier this week below, visit our blog to read who we are and what we do and how our work impacts the community. I welcome your help, support, involvement and feedback. I thank you in advance for visiting the blog and for considering Areyvut in your year-end giving.

If you have already made a gift then I thank you once again for your help and support.

If you are reading this in 2011 what better way to start out the year then by contributing to Areyvut and enabling us to continue to inspire and impact others every day of the year.

Thanks again and best wishes for a Shabbat Shalom and happy and healthy new year!

Tuesday – December 28, 2010

21 Tevet 5771
At the end of the day, donate the spare change in your pocket to tzedakah (charity).

“Charity saves us from death.”

(Proverbs 10:12)

In keeping with today’s Kindness of the Day, Areyvut encourages you to help sustain our programs and projects with your generous financial donation. The end of the year is the best time to make and donation and can really give us a leg up on the year to come.

We hope you will take this opportunity to give of yourself, enabling us to continue the work we do in the community without any disruption in service. We thank you for your consideration and wish you and your family a wonderful start to 2011.
All the best,

Team Areyvut