Shabbat Gilad

Posted on November 3, 2010

Last night I received an e-mail from Ari Hagler. Ari is a student at Yeshivat Noam and is one of Areyvut’s Mitzvah Clowns and for his Bar Mitzvah he is doing a project to raise awareness for Gilad Shalit. I applaud Ari and encourage you to participate in this important effort and encourage your school, synagogue, family and friends to participate as well. An excerpt from Ari’s e-mail is below:

For my Bar Mitzvah, I am working on a national project for schools and shuls aimed at calling attention to the plight of Israeli MIA Gilad Shalit. I launched a website,, and hope to have as many schools and synagogues as possible focus on Gilad Shalit on Friday and Shabbat, December 10 and 11, 2010. People are encouraged to visit the website to register, indicate their participation, and submit program ideas. If you are affiliated with a school or shul, please register at to participate in this effort.

For more information about Shabbat Gilad, e-mail Ari at

November 12, 2010 at 1:46- The Jewish Standard has an article about Ari and his awesome project. Check it out and join him and make a difference!