Posted on November 18, 2010
We continue to share Middot Matters and encourage you to use these scenarios and discuss them with your students and family. We welcome your feedback.
Giving credit where credit is due.
Your science class is divided into pairs. Each group of partners was given a different topic that they had to research together, write a report about and then complete an experiment in front of the class. Pete and Nate, were given the task of creating a volcano.
Though neither Pete, nor Nate really like science, Nate has been doing a lot of work. He has researched everything there is to know about volcanoes and has even tried to create a model volcano, complete with “lava” for the experiment in front of the class. The night before the project is due, Nate sends Pete an e-mail and telling him he has the flu. Nate sends Pete the paper he wrote for the both of them and step by step instructions on how to complete the experiment.
The next day in class Pete completes the experiment perfectly and the rest of the students and even their teacher, Dr. Vesuvius are impressed. Pete never lets on that Nate did the entire project on his own, or at the very least even say that he did half the work.
Things to Think About: