Posted on October 23, 2010
Wonderful. Exciting. Awesome. That is what I thought when I saw the cover story of The Jewish Standard. The story highlights three local teens David Engle, David Feuerstein and Justin Ort who have actively contributed to the community, engaged others in the process and serve as models for others. The story shows the broader the community the importance of teens and service and the impact these students and projects have on the broader community. All three of them followed the method we use when working with Bnai Mitzvah on Mitzvah Projects. Namely do something in your area of interest or relating to your your hobby so that it becomes organic and natural. David, David and Justin have a lot to teach us. Each is addressing an important community need, doing something that no one else is doing, gets others involved in the projects, has been involved in serving the community for several years and they all plan to continue. This is a message I relate to because that is what Areyvut is all about. Please join David, David and Justin and do something this week to actively contribute to your community and make the world a better place.