An Areyvut Intern

Posted on August 5, 2010

I began interning at Areyvut only a week ago, yet it feels like I been here forever (in a good way). This being my first office job I was a little nervous about the dynamics in the office and if I would be able to do this kind of work. One week down and I think its safe to say my nerves has disappeared. Working here at Areyvut I have learned a lot about how an office runs. Before coming here I thought that it would be all work no play but after just one week I have learned that office work isn’t as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Who knew that office meetings meant playing games and getting prizes and that gold stars aren’t just for kindergarteners.
On Tuesday we went on a field trip to pack backpacks for Supplies for Success. What started out to be an energized but slow moving assembly line turned out to be a sweaty, very efficient (thanks to Daniel) pencil pouch packing system. We met some great people and packed a lot of bags. On this trip I learned that putting 20 people in a room with no air conditioning doesn’t lead to happy volunteers, but to people like our friend Susan ( a realtor) who ended up yelling about how hot she was and how she could wring out her shirt from sweating so much. Moral of the story: only volunteer in places with air conditioning.
I also learned a lot about efficiency and stepping up to the plate when things need to get done. Daniel recruited various volunteers throughout the day (they kept disappearing) to help in our efforts to pre pack the pencil pouches (which ironically didn’t really fit pencils to well). With our new system and eager volunteers we cranked out those pencil pouches like never before.
I’ve learned so much from working here for these past 2 weeks and look forward to learning a lot more in the weeks to come.