Posted on June 30, 2010

Let’s get to know each other better…okay, let’s just get to know me better because, to be honest, this is really rather one-sided, isn’t it? My main projects here at Areyvut involve my doing marketing and fundraising work.

Some of this requires my putting together videos with pictures of past events. Personally, I rather enjoy this. It’s an easy straight forward process. But then I finish all the visual parts, and I crash. What music do I use to back up the pictures? This is honestly something that continually drives me crazy. Music should be appropriate for all listeners and appropriate considering the content, it should be of a genre that most people will enjoy, it should fit well with the pictures, it should be exciting to listen to so that people will be interested, but not so much so that it will distract from the pictures.

Maybe I’m overthinking it all, but it really is quite difficult. Working out a soundtrack for a movie makes me think of what a soundtrack for my life would be and more specifically, seeing as I’m at work, what the soundtrack would be if I were in a movie called Camp Areyvut or something of that sort. Certainly, there would be some music from Glee- not only is that stuff catchy, the title of the show also matches the atmosphere here in the office.

I’ve always felt like people should have their own personal theme songs. That would just be fantastic if when someone walked into a room or introduced themselves, they had a song that summed up who they were playing in the background. Those would certainly be a part of the soundtrack. What songs sum up the people at Areyvut though? I’m not 100% sure yet. Hopefully by summer’s end I’ll have figured that out.

This is my last day in the office for the week. Tomorrow we’re all going to the Hebrew Free Burial Association in Staten Island to volunteer cleaning up the cemetary. What song that would get…now that would be a tough one. The HFBA is dedicated to proving dignified funerals and burials for people who may have had difficulty affording it. I can’t see the future- wish I could- but I’m sure the experience will be meaningful.

After the Thursday there, we have off Friday for any pre-4th of July celebrations we might have. July 4th celebrates and commemerates our indepence from England, the fact that we have a right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The founding fathers didn’t say it outright, but I certainly believe that they would encourage volunteerism. So, in the patriotic spirit of this upcoming holiday, and thinking on what my experiences tomorrow may be, I ask everyone to go out and do some volunteering to. Trust me, volunteering gets good music on the soundtrack of your life.