Posted on May 25, 2010
Today Areyvut convened a group of already existing Jewish teen philanthropy programs to network, share best practices, and move each other and the field forward. At the meeting I presented on curriculum and suggested a different way to look at curriculum and provided several resources that educators could utilize in their Jewish teen philanthropy programs. One such resource is the text below. It can be used at the beginning of a program to put the work they will be doing in a context, at a retreat so participants can better get to know each other or during the sessions where they discuss the RFP, site visit and allocation. What is clear is that sources like this need to be incorporated into Jewish teen philanthropy programs, they add a great deal to the program and help participants connect to each other and to Judaism.
Gittin 7b
Even a poor man who himself survives on charity should give charity.
Questions to Think About…