We Share Because We Care

Posted on April 8, 2010

We have developed a list of 49 Reasons to support Areyvut to correspond to the 49 days of sefirat haomer from Pesach to Shavuot. Today is the ninth day of the omer and for today we said: With your support, we can share our knowledge with others at conferences about service learning, Jewish communal issues, Jewish education and more. Here are a few examples of how we have addressed this today:

  • An organization invited us to present at their annual conference in November on Mitzvah Clowning. We accepted the invitation and Areyvut is thrilled to play a role in bringing our Mitzvah Clowning program to this important gathering.
  • A synagogue in the Chicago area reached out to us asking for advice and for help with a new teen philanthropy and leadership program. We offered to share resources, consult with them and to do whatever we can to move the program forward.
  • A Bnai Mitzvah celebrant contacted me to request help identifying a Mitzvah Project connected to the Holocaust. So I sent him a list of project ideas and agencies to facilitate his project.
  • Today’s A Kindness a Day entry said: “Fight anti-Semitism by writing an article for a local paper about the joys of being a part of the Jewish community.” Today’s source comes from Shmuel II 6:16 and says: “Michal the daughter of Saul peered through the window, and she saw the king David…and she loathed him in her heart.” Who else provides a daily kindness that connects to traditional Jewish sources?
  • We had a meeting about hosting a meeting/conference on Jewish teen philanthropy. We have another meeting scheduled for tomorrow and will keep you posted on how this develops. In the interim, let me just say that this gathering would convene the leadership of Jewish teen philanthropy to network, share best practices and move the field forward. This is what Areyvut is all about, bringing people together to actively make a difference.
  • We submitted an article on ethics to a Jewish educational journal. This article will help serve as a resource to educators in the field and will inform their work in the community. Thanks to Shira “The Mighty Hammer” Hammerman for her work on the article.

And the day is far from over!

At Areyvut we pride ourselves on being team players, sharing with colleagues and doing what we can to help move the field (of Jewish education and service learning) forward. Please help us so that we can do even more tomorrow.