Make your Pesach more meaningful!

Posted on March 23, 2010

Here are several easy ways to infuse your Pesach preparation and holiday to help others and make the world a better place.

  • In preparation for Pesach clean the home of someone who is homebound.
  • Arrange a car wash in your synagogue’s parking lot and donate the money to Tzedakah.
  • Research your family history and learn about a story that involves religious freedom.
  • Prepare a holiday meal for someone who has had a difficult week.
  • If you are using Pesach cleaning as spring cleaning as well, donate clothes you no longer wear to a local charitable organization.
  • Prior to the start of Pesach, donate the chametz you are removing from your house to a local food pantry.
  • Invite a family that recently immigrated to the U.S. or moved into your neighborhood to a seder at your home.
  • Organize a free seder in your synagogue.
  • Arrange a multi-generational Pesach program by having friends and their children sing Pesach songs with the residents of a senior living center.
  • Pesach celebrates our freedom. Consider people in other parts of the world whose freedom is in jeopardy and commit to helping them.
  • Volunteer to read a Pesach book to a child while his or her parents rest.
  • After Pesach has ended, set aside all unopened Pesach food and donate it to a charitable organization.

Please send us your ideas so that we can add them to the list. Best wishes for a Chag Kasher V’Sameach!