Posted on February 22, 2010
It’s that time of the day again, when I sit staring at my computer screen trying to think of something to type for the Areyvut blog. Often times this process is rather short. Daniel will give me a topic and I will write about it, though I think he’s usually surprised by what I come up with. For instance, the week he told me to write about the Disney Give a Day Get a Disney Day program. I wrote about it, but I mainly wrote about how I sat on hold waiting for a representative to talk me through my most recent problem with the system. I would imagine that Daniel would have covered the actual program.
Nonetheless, as the summer looms closer we here at Areyvut are getting ready for the mother of all groups…the Summer Internship Program. If you are still reading (and I haven’t yet scared you away) I am hopeful that you will apply, the process is easy, just send me an email: [email protected]). For everything that went wrong when I was a part of a group, everything goes right here. The Summer Internship Program affords high school and college students the opportunity to intern for Areyvut where they will learn about nonprofit structure, assist and facilitate with program development, join the staff on weekly volunteer and educational trips and hopefully build lasting relationships not only with the Areyvut staff, but with their fellow interns. As a witness to watching individuals become friends and function as a group, I can tell you first hand that it is a wonderful thing to witness.