Posted on January 11, 2010
Areyvut was included in JESNA’s list of the best in Jewish education of the decade. We appreciate JESNA’s recognition of our work and look forward to working with our colleagues in the field to continue to enable today’s young people to repair the world through “hands on” service.
Jewish Service Learning was the focus at a recent FutureTense session which is convened by JESNA. As I have mentioned before, I believe that many people use the term service learning but really mean to say community service, volunteerism, etc. As I stated at the session, we need to call it what it is and not try to be something we are not in order to get a grant, coverage, etc. I believe that it is essential for Jewish agencies in the field to incorporate Jewish text into their work and for these agencies and programs to promote Jewish engagement and strengthen Jewish identity while simultaneously addressing real life issues and putting them into a context which is something that we do at Areyvut.