10 Fundraising Tips

Posted on January 5, 2010

With today’s economy every agency is looking for new ways to raise funds to support their work in the community. Here are some tips that Areyvut developed for a program last year that taught students how to develop a fundraiser and fundraising plan to support a cause. These tips may be helpful in planning a fundraiser for your school, synagogue or agency.

  1. How much money would you like to raise?
    Thinking about this question will help you determine the most suitable fundraising event for your group. It is important to remember the difference between fixed costs and variable costs as this will directly effect the total amount you raise.
  2. Set realistic goals and stick to them.
    Choose the organization you would like to support. Set your fundraising goal. Determine the number of people you would like to have at the event.
  3. Brainstorm!
    Are there local agencies or organizations that could tie into your event? Are there businesses in the area that could provide free materials to keep costs down? No idea is a bad idea!
  4. Preparation is key.
    Be sure to choose your fundraising event early. This will not only give you ample time to prepare for the event itself, but also plenty of time to advertise in newsletters, community calendars and local papers.
  5. Make a timeline and stick to it.
    Make sure to choose a date for the event itself, as well as dates for deadlines (i.e. when you need to hear back from vendors, when potential participants need to RSVP, etc.) throughout the process.
  6. Keep copies of everything!
    Receipts, contracts, timelines, drafts, proposals, budgets, etc.
  7. Document! Document! Document!
    Document conversations, emails, phone calls, etc. with people that are participating, volunteering, providing goods, etc. for the event.
  8. Tell others not to be afraid to commit.
    Speak with family and friends about money and time commitments (if applicable) in advance of the event.
  9. Evaluate.
    After the event have everyone meet to discuss what went right and what went wrong. Evaluate the success of the event. Did you meet your goals? Did any problems arise throughout the process? How can these problems be avoided next time?
  10. Have fun!
    The more fun you are having, the more likely donors and participants will want to get involved. It will also be a more enjoyable process for you!

You can also use this worksheet to help you chart the event, your goals and progress.

Fundraiser Planning Worksheet

General Information

Description of fundraiser:



Fundraiser Financial Plan

Which organization will the fundraiser benefit?

What will the proceeds be used for?

Overall fundraising goal: $

Individual fundraising goal: $

How much of your product needs to be sold to attain the goal?

Fundraiser Details

Necessary supplies:

In kind donations:

People to contact:

Publicity ideas:

Fundraiser Event Timeline

This section should be used to keep you organized and aware of important deadlines. Include dates such as ticket distribution, money collection, sign up days, etc.

Expected Date

Description of Activity



Use the following table to make an approximate budget for your fundraiser. Use this only as a planning point! Make sure you update it as you advance through various stages of planning and execution.

Income Amount

Expenses Amount


**Make copies of all receipts and include them with your evaluation and report.**

We wish you continued success and look forward to hearing about your successful fundraisers.